bonne idees pour les
deuxième page

ligne jaune

A short time after they had gone through the adoption of their Escargots

and had become familiar with the profiles of their Escargots,
I had them write a Haiku pertaining to their Escargots.
The kids really enjoyed this activity and did a great job using nouns,
adjectives, and verbs to create their Haiku.
"... and you absolutely wouldn't believe how beautiful it makes them
(as if they could more beautiful than they already are.)
For the little ones with ridges
one may have to use a Q-tip to get all the wax off.
cire de tortue
I keep some wax handy on my cart so my students can provide
routine care for their babies.
You can use old (clean) socks to rub the
wax once it's dry. " .

bel escargot

"To make your Escargot shells even more beautiful,
soak them in a solution of water and bleach.
Dry them thoroughly, coat them with baby oil, then wipe off the excess.
It really brings out their colors. Très joli!"
When we do our Paris unit, we will certainly visit the Champs Elysées
page, because of course I already play Joe Dassin's song in class.
Et maintenant, voici un bon projet pour votre bon Escargot...
Votre Escargot est artiste!

Comme ça:  peinture    et comme ça: peinture

 "I'm decorating my bulletin boards Escargot-style

... putting up French recipes for Escargot,
using imitation Escargot (chicken, etc.)."
Faux Escargot: Quelle bonne idée!
Le Grand Escargot hesitates to put this on the Bonnes Idées page,
but there is no Mauvaises Idées page.
(C'est de la folie des profs de sciences!)
Ah, vous connaissez les profs de sciences!!
Alors, voici l'idée:
Voulez-vous faire de la bave?

"In their journals, which they write in upon arrival to class,
students enter the date, time, the weather, and a remark-of-the-day
concerning their Escargot."
This could be a remark about l'Escargot,
or of course, a remark that l'Escargot has recently made.


Journals: I use composition notebooks for student journals. Instead of the
usual "what did you do today" journals, they write about the adventures
of their Escargots. They get very creative! I've read about astronauts, Escargots
who are friends with penguins, trips around the world...


Students on vacation send photos of their Escargots posing.
"We did a fun activiy where the students used some 8" by 10" art paper
and wrote out their Escargot's personality profile in French.
When they got to the new words, they drew little sketches for the meanings,
then wrote small in French underneath. On the top,
I had them make a headline using the Escargot's name: (Mon Escargot, Pierre)...
It made for a good Friday activity, and they look great on the bulletin board."
Up until now, we have always started each class with a "show and tell"
presentation by a student followed by a question and answer session.
We then work on a summary of what's been said and they record it in their notes.
Once all have presented, there is a quiz about their presentations.
For our next round I am going to ask them to tell us about the events of their
snail's life. It will be great because it gives them a chance to use more of the
third person grammatical structures.

"Nous venons d'étudier le passé composé et l'imparfait; et alors,
les parents des Escargots devaient nous dire ce qu'ils ont fait
pendant le weekend avec leurs enfants...
Cette semaine nous étudions le futur, et je vais leur demander
ce qu'ils feront la semaine prochaine."

Et un de nos professeurs remarque:

"Some of these Escargots are having a better afterlife than life
with all the amenities they never had.
One has a scooter, a sleeping bag, and some very fancy dinnerware..."
"Aujourd'hui, comme activité communicative, nous avons fait
des "interviews avec Le Grand Escargot".
Une moitié du temps mes élèves étaient "Le Grand Escargot",
l'autre moitié du temps ils étaient des parents qui voulaient adopter un Escargot
et ils devaient expliquer pourquoi ils voulaient en adopter un;
c'était très, très drôle!!
On n'a pas eu assez de temps de déterminer le meilleur
et le pire parent d'adoption, mais après la prochaine classe
je pourrai avertir le Grand Escargot... :-)  "



"Some more activities:
description of Escargot's physical and personnality traits, description of Escargot's home,
description of Escargot's favorite clothes, Escargot's winter vacation, Escargot's Spring Break,
scargot takes the TGV, Escargot goes to Paris, Famous Escargots in Art, Famous
Escargots in History, Escargot finds a job, Escargot visits Alsace, Escargot visits a
Francophone country, Escargot opens a restaurant, Escargot's business card,
what Escargot used to do when Escargot was a slug (not biologically correct!)"


Bonnes idées for special events:
Mardi Gras Parade
The students made Mardi Gras floats:
Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras

The younger students (who have not yet adopted Escargots) voted for their favorites.

Students wrote vows for Sofie et Luc; others wrote toasts for the happy couple.

mariage des

All celebrated en classe with un beau gâteau after the ceremony.

Les Jeux Olympiques:

We had a celebration of the Winter Olympiques.

Les Jeux

The students made sleds for their Escargots and winners were awarded medals.

Fashion Show:

vetements  vetements

During a unit on clothing, students made clothes for their Escargots
and described them en français as they went down the runway.


It was a review game, and Escargots played on the field dressed in their uniforms.

Sans doute, il y aura d'autres Bonnes Idées.
Si vous êtes prof de français avec un troupeau d'Escargots,
n'hésitez jamais à m'écrire avec vos bonnes idées
pour la classe de français qui adopte des Escargots.
Le Grand Escargot

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escargot idee.

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