C'est l'année scolaire 2020.
Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire en classe?
Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire avec les Escargots?
Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire quand tout le monde est à la maison?
Cette page est
pour les Profs!
The idea for this page was sparked by Escargot Prof Jen, who
contributed the first bonne idée for how to use les Escargots to
us through these strange days ahead. It seems that each
school/community is doing something a little different.
And each school's plan has the disclaimer that everything could
change at any time.
I hope to hear from many Escargot Profs who will share bonnes
idées, thoughts,
projects and contrived Escargot scenarios that will inspire the
rest of us.
We can brainstorm ideas for distance learning, all things
Covid-19, the bizarre things 2020 has brought:
Murder Hornets, double hurricanes, the upcoming (small and not
really alarming) Asteroid 2018V81 due to
pass by the day before the American election. Probably there
will be more.
All idées welcome!
Notez bien: Le Grand Escargot has made the decision to NOT
feature politics on the site, but if
you have something planned chez vous, you're welcome to
share your idées here.
from Jen Holzberger:
I am playing with this idea: these
little Escargots are coming from France
and need to quarantine in a safe house until they can
start school (rather than an adoption in quarantine).
I suppose I will have to add that they have tested
negative for antibodies to the introductions!
(I am going to have to learn some new French/Covid
vocabulary to make this work).
And, I can make the period longer than 14 days since
snails may need longer to show symptoms.
Thinking up little scenarios is fun, now I just have to
put it all to work somehow.
(nous attendons d'autres bonnes idées...)

Envoyez-les au Grand Escargot, SVP:
l'enseignement à distance
la quarantaine
la distanciation
la fièvre
la toux
la fatique
la diminution de sens du
la perte d'odorat
les douleurs
les maux de gorge
les vomissements
les congestions
la crise sanitaire
la pandémie
les masques de

On dit «le Covid» ou «la Covid»?
la décision de l'Académie Française.
Le Grand Escargot
