What is Adopt an Escargot?
Mainly, it's for French students and their teachers.
To participate fully in Adopt an Escargot, teachers may
purchase an Adopt an Escargot kit for each class.
Each student will receive a real Escargot.
Well, it is a real Escargot shell; le pauvre Escargot
is no longer with us.
The students will then be registered in La Société
des Escargots.
Membership in this very exclusive group means that students
may send
their stories (en français),
comments (en français),
pictures with captions (en français),
etc. (en français)to
be included on the website (at the discretion of
Le Grand Escargot, bien sûr.)
Members may also exchange e-mail with Le Grand Escargot
Some teachers have their students write for advice as
they raise their Escargots.
Le Grand Escargot answers members of La Société
des Escargots naturellement en
The Adopt an Escargot kit also includes a personality
profile for each Escargot,
adoption certificates for each student,
black line masters for an Escargot board game
and Escargot Baby Books.
While the official language of the Adopt an Escargot
website is français,
Le Grand Escargot (professeur de français aussi)
understands that sometimes it is necessary to use
franglais, particularly in the beginning.
We want to welcome les élèves of ALL levels
of French, specifically students in
high school or middle school. We also have member classes
in the elementary grades.
Those who are more advanced will naturally be more able
to communicate en français (almost) entirely.
Those who are just beginning their (we hope) long journey
of the study of français
might have to resort to their best franglais de temps
en temps.
Mais il faut pratiquer, n'est-ce pas?!
Play a little. Look around. Amusez-vous!
Then, if you would like more information on the Adopt
an Escargot kits,
S.V.P. envoyez du courrier électronique chez Le
Grand Escargot:
My French students are thrilled to be new "parents" of
their very own Escargot and to find themselves members
of a special "club." They've enjoyed choosing names,
creating homes that reflect their Escargot's personality traits,
checking out the website and writing letters to Le Grand
Escargot. You can't imagine their delight
upon receiving a personal response from Le Grand Escargot
written especially for them and their Escargot!
They rush into the classroom waving their letters!
It is delightful for me to see them so thrilled about
using their French in this innovative way.
I see them absorbing proper usage of idiomatic French
in their communication with Le Grand Escargot
and having fun at the same time. It really has added
a new dimension to language learning in my classes
and other people at our school want to know what this
"escargot business" is all about!
On a recent trip to France and Italy with my students,
I was thrilled to receive a gift of two tiny
hand-blown glass snails from two of my "Escargot parents"
in French III.The French IV students found
a wonderful flag with a snail in the middle. These are
proudly displayed in my classroom
and remind me of how special this Escargot phenomenon
has made all of us feel.
Thank you so much for creating such a great teaching/learning
"Adopt an Escargot" ... has embellished my curriculum,
amused my students and, countless times,
just given me a lift. It has certainly made a difference
in my teaching this year.
I look forward to adopting again next year.
I love this! My seniors last year loved it too! Seniors,
you ask?
Yes, they became real SLUGS toward the month of February
and adopting un Escargot really got them going!
The students' e-mails to Le Grand Escargot were answered
promptly en français.
un chapeau ou c'est un serpent qui mangé un éléphant?
For all grown-ups who still like to revisit childhood
adventures, ...Adopt an Escargot
is the site to visit.Students love it. The site appeals
to our imagination and
our love of play in many inspired ways.
Here are some Bonnes
Idéesfrom des profs with des élèves
who already are membres de la Société des
As member teachers, there are opportunities to communicate
with some of the other teachers
whose classes have adopted Escargots. Details of that
are available with membership.
Please e-mail Le Grand Escargot for more details!
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